Saturday, 19 October 2013


What a wet day! I forced myself to head into the shed today and do a bit more on the bench . They want their names and the date on the bench, I carved these in but I thought it would hard to see the words in the light coloured timber.
 So I thought of pyrography! after a comment on one of my posts. I don't  have any of this kit so I had to improvise and a soldering iron fitted the bill.
 This worked out fine and gave a good rustic look. I also bored and countersunk all the holes for the fixing's .I screwed it all together for a look at thing's and I was pretty pleased with it, and then stripped it back down again for a final sanding, before the glue and screw no going back bit :)


  1. Nice idea to carve it before burning it in. Sometimes with a soldering iron it can be tricky not to have it follow the grain. Nice job
