Sunday, 6 January 2013

Cherry Chair

I started this chair in my Christmas holidays, the seat and backrest are cherry with ash for the legs and backrest supports. I decided to scoop out the seat part like they do with a windsor chair kind of. I made some templates first to see that the shapes worked, when I was happy with the templates .
 I set out scooping out the seat, this started with hogging out a rough hollow following the shape of the template  with a big cranked gouge then a spoon plane and spokeshaves finished it off . Because of the seat the backrest had to have the same treatment, with the same tools I worked on the back , the ash poles were shaped up with a drawknife then spokeshave here's where I'm at:)


  1. I'll be curious to see the completed project.

  2. Really nice work!

    I tried html posting and you're right. It is a bit harder, isn't it? I THINK what the problem is...digging around last night.. after you've posted so many pictures on your blog larger than so many pixcels, you have to pay Google a minimal fee for them. Another blogger friend ran into the same problem. As long as they're below so many pixcels, you can post as many as you want, but exceed that number, and you pay the fee. $2.50 per 500 or something like that per year I believe. I'll try to find the url for you.

  3. See if this rings any bells:

  4. Hey Winderly-Winderly
    I pay around £2.00 per month for my blog as I used up my free space a few months back but I don't mind I use it so its worth it to me :)

  5. Ahh, one step ahead of me. Well worth it to your followers as well! LOVE your work! Thanks for sharing.

  6. always loved cherry wood. going to start wood carving again. cant use cherry though. ken

  7. Looks like nice work you are doing there.
