Sunday, 7 October 2012

A Little Notion

After a good walk this morning see previous post, I got a little notion to carve a spoon so I headed to the shed with a bit of Rowan ( mountain ash ) and started hacking away and a while later a spoon started to emerge. Rowan is pretty hard to carve but with time and care it works out.  A bit of Silver Birch nearly ended up in the firewood pile but I saved it at the last minute and thought that a kuska cup would be a good reprieve for this bit of birch so with my twy cam I started to shape out the bowl of this little cup then I cut around the bowl and shaped the outside with an  axe then a drawknife and finally my little frosts 106 carving knife. The kuska cup will still take a while to finish  here it is so far :)


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Brian to you and yours.... Bryan and Vikki from Canada

  2. Happy thanksgiving trappers :)

  3. it makes me wanting to carve, with 7 months of winter ahead, who knows, i might.

  4. Why not jozien give it a go! :)
