Sunday, 25 March 2012

Put The Clock Forward

The clocks were changed last night, making the light last a bit longer. So I headed out on my bike this afternoon t shirt and shorts and not once did I feel cold. Along paths edged with daffodils ,passing orange shale Bing's these are the spoil heaps from mining shale, to extract oil the orange shale is what was left after they heated the shale to extract the valuable oil . There are lots of these shale Bing's around west lothian they have a barren moonscape feel about them . Further on Fallow deer were on the ridge watching me through the last of the mist I thought they would run but I managed to snap them .

An old oak gate caught my eye with the rails all mortised through the angle brace a lot of work and all by hand in a time when a man could make a quality product from materials that would last longer than himself to earn his crust. On my way home I passed the new allotment site with lots of busy people touching the ground with their green fingers . A bit of me was envious, but an allotment takes up a lot of time that I don't have at the moment maybe one day ,this ended a great cycle with my legs getting stiff I headed home:)

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