Sunday, 16 October 2011

The Scent Of Cedar

I've started to prepare a top for a kind of (bable) bench come table.
This timber is Cedar of Lebanon. I wish you could scratch your screen and catch the scent of spice, this aromatic timber gives off. Its not very forgiving it tends to tear where the grain swirls around but skewing the plane or spokeshave sorts this out . Here it is getting smoothed out a bit and a few tools that can help :)


  1. Nice set of tools.
    I think I would be happy just cutting cedar all day just for the smell. My workshop is clad in it and although it splits easy its so hard wearing (the offcuts make great tinder for starting fires)

  2. I've never sawed Cedar of Lebanon, thus I've never smelled it. It looks more like our western cedar than our eastern variety.

  3. hi brian, have a cedar chest in which we store wool blankets, sweaters, it has the smell that i think of as cedar. is this the same type you are useing. the boxes you made look great.would love to give wood working a try. maybe one of these days. ken

  4. Hi Ken your cedar would be western red cedar. Mine is cedar of lebanon . Wood is good give it a go. Thanks :)
