Friday, 10 June 2011

A New Path

Every Friday I finish early, so after lunch I pedaled away along the canal towards falkirk. Some cycle path signs pointed me into an area of Callender Estate.
Ive never been around here before, many new stone dust paths meander through the woods,and bridges and drainage help to keep feet dry. Signs are around pointing you to different parts, and showing what wildlife there is to look out for. I found a sign at the end of the path where it joins the road this was a community woodland and very nice it is too !
A little further on, then your in Callender Woods where lots of burry oak grow all knobbly and gnarled I bet theres some cracking timber hidden under the bark. These woods then merge into Callender park on the edge of the town of Falkirk ,then I headed home for a little shed time before tea:)

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