Saturday, 16 April 2011

Dead Or Alive

Elm and Hazel are the ingredients for this wee stool, I scribed the bracing on to the legs with a sharp knife. The seat part is dead Elm burr shaved and sanded, the legs are from Hazel coppice's. Not many big Elm tree's survive around here now, but lots of Elm suckers grow along hedges and the edges of woodland ,showing that they are fighting back at Dutch Elm disease . Heres a tree with a bit of burr and some sapling Elm flushed with spring growth :)


  1. love the burr! i love working with elm, it sands up to an amazing finsh and has a real warmth to it. good work

  2. Hi!
    I love your new header.
    and the seat of your stool is totally gorgeous!

  3. Thanks jozien, I hope all is well with you :)

  4. I agree with my brother, that elm burr is lovely - it really sets the piece apart. Nice work
