Thursday, 29 June 2023


 Hi Folks

I hope all is well with you.

I've been back rummaging around Car boot sales. I found a few old wood planes. An Acorn smoothing plane and a couple of Stanley rebate planes, and record and Stanley spokeshaves

Here they are after a bit of Fettling, my favourite is the Stanley No 78 rebate plane.

Monday, 5 June 2023


 Hi Everyone

So I wondered if I was still live on here.

It looks like I am, yes I dropped off the radar.

After taking down my workshop then chopping off a couple of fingertips during the lockdown. They were stitched back on though . A lot less feeling in them now, but hey I'm ever so glad to have them!

I'm rebuilding I have my new space for working and I'm finding pleasure from making shavings again.