Sunday, 29 November 2015

Copper Stitched Chair

Well after a while and a few interruptions I finally finished the chair..
Rippled sycamore the back rest is stitched together with copper boat nails.. This adds another little quirk to the chair although it was a bit of a challenge.. But that's why I do it, I like the challenge of an evolving design and resolving design issues as they arise.. So here it is folks..;b

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

First Part Glued

Hey folks
I got the first part of my chair glued up..
And sanded too I'm pretty happy with it so far.
This coming weekend should see the seat and back fixed into place then final sanding and wax..;b

Monday, 9 November 2015

Trophy Box

So another little project interrupted my chair..
I was asked to make some boxes to hold some gundog trophies..
So with a few old boards..
And a little idea..
I cobbled these together...;b